Learn Quran online & Arabic for both Kids & Adults where ever you are


zakat in islam

zakat in islam

zakat in islam is the third pillar of Islam after the two testimonies and prayer.....

how to speak arabic

how to speak arabic

How to speak Arabic fluently? The Arabic language is among the most common languages ​​in the world....

How many people speak arabic

How many people speak arabic

How many people speak arabic? There are more than 7 billion people living on Earth who speak 7,102 living....

quran memorization

quran memorization

Many people wonder how to do Quran memorization easily and quickly...

best way to learn arabic

best way to learn arabic

best way to learn arabic if you follom them, The Arabic language is one of the Semitic languages...

Teaching the Kids Quran

Teaching the Kids Quran

Teaching the Kids Quran, God Almighty has pledged to memorize the Noble Qur’an by saying...

Tajweed meaning

Tajweed meaning

Tajweed meaning is to know the rules and rulings laid down by scholars....

How long is the quran

How long is the quran

How long is the quran did it take ,to be revealed.The Holy Quran is the word of God...

Quran with Tajweed

Quran with Tajweed

The Messenger of Allah (BPUH) would recite the Quran with tajweed....

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