Arabic conversation

Arabic conversation is the exchange of speech between two or more people, to convey a certain idea, in addition to showing a set of feelings and feelings....

Arabic conversation is the exchange of speech between two or more people, to convey a certain idea, in addition to showing a set of feelings and feelings through the means of pronunciation in Arabic letters or in the language that the student learns.

The pillars Arabic conversation 

The pillars of correct Arabic conversation are:

1- Two or more speakers

2- Honest expression.

3- Listen to the words correctly and in a focused manner.

4- Understand the audible thing.

5- Proper pronunciation.

6- Performing and imitating the audio.

How to teach Arabic conversation

1- The gradient is easy and moves nicely to the hardest.

2- Introducing the student about the advantages, benefits, virtues, greatness and simplification of the Arabic language in front of the student.

3- Endearing the student in the Arabic language, for man is the enemy of what he is ignorant of.

4- Pointing is a very important teaching method in conversation lessons that must be relied upon.

5- Pictures and clarifications are among the important teaching aids and tools in all subjects, and in conversation is first.

6- Speaking, explanation and question (full lesson) in Arabic only, without exposure to one word in the other language.

7- Ask all students (collectively or individually) what they understood from the text, sentence or word “before the explanation”, and about any matter that is difficult to understand.

8- Giving the student enough time to think about the answer, and repeat the question if he did not understand.

9- Getting rid of the atmosphere of boredom, by moving from one place to another and from one idea to another when feeling the weight of the lesson.

10- I use all available modern educational tools and aids, as they help in better understanding, and quickly conveying the idea.

11- Paying attention to household duties and individual and group activities.

12- Conducting multiple tests during one semester to determine the student’s level.

13- After all the above, trust in God, the Mighty and Sublime.

The benefit of using this method in teaching Arabic conversation

  • The student hears as many Arabic words as possible.
  • The student recognizes and examines the professor’s suggestions and expressions by pronouncing the Arabic word.
  • It helps the student to focus fully (seeing – hearing – understanding) to understand the meaning of the word.
  • The student is incited to ask about anything he is ignorant of in the language.
  • The student gives the correct and perfect pronunciation of the word.
  • The student is prompted to search in dictionaries and dictionaries to find the required word.
  • Strengthening the letter exits of the (foreign) student when he imitates the professor and repeats the word.
  • The student tries not to miss any moment in the lesson, to hear the word correctly.
  • The Arabic word that is different from the student’s language makes him vigilant and avoids wandering.
  • He alerts the student to the differences and similarities between Arabic words and his mother tongue.
  • Hearing a lot of things develops in the student a love of imitation and repetition.
  • Finally, and most importantly, language is based on speech, and the door to articulation is for the mind and ear, for hearing is the priority in teaching language.

Appropriate ways, means, and mechanisms in teaching students Arabic conversation

Speak in Arabic only.

Reading and writing students’ names in Arabic.

Students hear the alphabet, and hear them on a daily basis

Urging the student to listen to the Noble Qur’an on a permanent basis.

Students recite some verses from the Noble Qur’an on a daily basis (three or four minutes).

Teaching students some useful poems, memorizing them and listening to them as well, and making it the beginning anthem.

Always ask students about each idea, broadly.

Hear words, sentences and texts from all students.

Correct memorization of each new text, with the repetition of the pronunciation from the teacher and student.

Presenting simple audio clips to students from (poems – children’s songs).

Showing targeted films and cartoon series to encourage dialogue.

Selecting passages, texts, serials, and songs in the classical language, and avoiding the vernacular. Ask the students what they understood from the passage they heard.

Assign the students the task of listening to the passage at home and then writing it down.

Assigning the student to stand in front of his companions to speak Arabic qualitatively (five minutes).

Assigning the student to stand in front of his companions and answer their questions (five minutes).

Ask the student qualitative questions from the professor.

Assigning students to write some sentences at home (actual  nominal).

Urging the student to listen to the Arabic news channels that adhere to Al-Fusha.

Urging the student to listen to Al-Hadith Al-Nabawi channel in AlMadinah Al-Munawwarah.

Conducting some competitions between students in the form of (teams or pairs) in which the student is the questioner and the answerer. – Fusion of Arabic and Islamic manners and morals with language, a conversation lesson.

Urge the student to bring the dictionary with him on a permanent basis.

Not to speak to the student in the colloquial or dialect spoken in some Arab countries.

Holding some special events in the Arabic language, and talking about them extensively, such as (the International Day of the Arabic Language).

Presenting the idea of ​​traveling on vacation, and visiting some Arab countries to practice speaking widely.

Instilling love for the Arabic language in the hearts of students, and getting rid of the idea of ​​its difficulty.

Simplify the rules for students to the extreme, and break away from the old stereotype.

Prepare students for some of the topics that we will talk about in the upcoming lessons.

Urging the student to accompany or accompany the Arabs to learn the language well from them.

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